About Us
The Greater St. Louis Labor Council is a federation of unions and it's members in the Counties of: St. Louis, Jefferson, Franklin, St. Charles, Phelps, Crawford, Washington, Ste. Genevieve, St. Francois, Warren, Lincoln, Pulaski and the City of St. Louis.

We are one of nearly 500 state and local labor councils of the AFL-CIO and are the heart of the labor movement. We are democratically elected bodies dedicated to represent the interests of working people at the state and local level. We mobilize our members and community partners to advocate for social and economic justice and we strive daily to vanquish oppression and make our communities better for all people—regardless of race, color, gender, religion, age, sexual orientation, or ethnic or national origin.
The Preamble to the Greater St Louis Labor Council Constitution:
WHEREAS, it has been fully demonstrated by experience that only by organization and unity of action can the working people better their working and living conditions and combat the growing encroachment of the organized forces of capital. We see the fulfillment of these hopes and aspirations through democratic process within the framework of our constitutional government and consistent with our institutions and traditions, and
WHEREAS, realizing that there are many questions affecting the interests of the working people which cannot be dealt with alone by separate trade and labor unions and/or industrial unions, and that the labor in the Greater St. Louis area must unite itself and form one siblinghood for the defense, protection and advancement of the working people. In the exercise of the rights and responsibilities of citizenship, we shall serve the interests of all people in our community, and our nation.