UCAN Training
IBEW Local 309, 2000 Mall Street, Collinsville, IL 62234
UCAN Training (Union Community Activist Network)
Co-sponsored by AFL-CIO Councils - Greater Madison County Federation of Labor and
Southwestern IL Central Labor Council
Fri., June 28 (7:30 AM - 3:30 PM)
IBEW Local 309, 2000 Mall Street, Collinsville, IL 62234
Follow I-70 E to IL-157 S/N Bluff Rd in Collinsville. Take exit 11 from I-70 E, continue IL-157 S/N Bluff Rd to IBEW Local 309. There is free parking at their facility and free parking on both sides of mall Street. There is also a lot just across the street for 309 overflow. Please do not park at the carpet store.
Agenda Sneak Peak….
Friday: This session will include timely information to help you be more knowledgeable about issues and resources affecting your members and their families. Labor history, mental health challenges opioids/substance use disorders, financial literacy and debt traps, gambling addiction, and legislative updates will all be covered. We have assembled a team of trained professionals for a round table discussion and an opportunity to address your concerns and questions, as well as provide Narcan training.
Who should attend: MO and IL Union Community Services Committees, Union Leaders, Union Activists, YOU!
Registration Fee: $25 (Register by June 25, 2024)
Check payable to: United Way of Greater St. Louis
More Information:Nick Dodson 618-258-9800 or Rose McCowan 314-539-4191