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Crystal Quade: The Interview

Missouri AFL-CIO
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Crystal Quade: The Interview


Primaries are coming up next Tuesday, and on the Democratic ballot for Governor the Missouri AFL-CIO has endorsed pro-labor champion Crystal Quade.  Crystal kindly took time out of her busy schedule to answer some questions that matter to union members about the direction she wants to take our State.  We’re confident that after reading them you’ll understand why Labor believes Crystal Quade is the right choice for Governor! 

Why are unions important to you?

I am grateful for Missouri’s labor unions always having my back, because I’ve always had theirs. I grew up helping my mom at the local diner where she worked, picking up double or triple shifts waitressing to put food on our table. When I talk to voters across Missouri, I hear them echo experiences I’m all too familiar with. I know what it’s like to struggle putting food on the table or having to figure out which bill you can pay this month and which you’ll have to put off. That’s why I am proudly pro-union, because every worker should make wages that allow them to live with dignity. I’ve proudly stood shoulder to shoulder with our brothers and sisters in organized labor at picket lines. I was the only candidate on either side of the aisle to be part of the coalition to defeat the anti-worker, anti-union Right-to-Work law Republicans passed, and I’ve filed legislation to ensure bad actors are held accountable when they prioritize profit over people and put workers in danger.

What are some pro-worker policies you want to advocate for as Governor?

As somebody who has worked closely with labor throughout my time in the House, I will continue to advocate for strengthening our labor unions across Missouri. We need to address the childcare crisis in our state, make sure all our wages are wages that help Missourians thrive, not just survive, and we need to understand not everyone needs a college degree, and our policies in the governor’s office will  reflect that.  Additionally, as governor, I’ll put my foot down against anti-worker legislation like paycheck deception and whatever the next attempt at passing Right-to-Work looks like. I’ll restart the prevailing wage report database, prioritize contracts that invest in Missouri’s workforce, and I’ll hold anti-labor politicians responsible for their attacks on working Missourians and will continue to support making Missouri a better, safer, and stronger state for working Missourians.

Would you veto right-to-work?

Absolutely. Right-to-work laws strengthen employers’ interests while undercutting the strength of unions and our workers. I was so proud to stand with the thousands of Missourians when we turned in the signatures to stop the legislature from making us a RTW state, and I have been proud to stand against right to work as a legislator every time they tried to overturn the will of voters. 

What’s your favorite thing about Missouri?

Missouri is the Show-Me State. Missourians do not settle for promises about what you will do, if you have no proof of what you’ve doneThey don’t accept answers from politicians who change their minds on issues, like Right to Work, based on who’s asking the question. Missourians expect results from their leaders, and I look forward to showing every Missourian just how great our state can be.

What is the most important issue (or issues) facing Missouri?

When your state government isn’t investing in helping every Missourian succeed, I think that’s about the biggest problem we could face as a state. The lack of leadership we’ve seen, whether it’s legislators ignoring the will of voters and attempting to overturn ‘Right to Work” or failing to take down federal funds to feed hungry children over the summer, our state has been failing Missouri families for years. We need a leader who knows what working families are going through. We need a leader who will invest in things like ensuring broadband access wherever you are in the state or making sure we’re doing everything we can to give Missouri’s children the best education we can by fully funding our schools, paying our teachers and staff, rebuilding our roads and bridges, and expanding childcare across Missouri. 

What’s been the most interesting part of running for Governor so far?

The most interesting, and probably the most fun part of running is all the unique events we’ve been to, where we’ve gotten to meet so many incredible Missourians and hear their stories. We’ve been to everything from a pie auction (you’ve got to try Glenda Bainbridge’s gooseberry pie) to a rally in a beautiful barn in Northeast Missouri. At one event, someone gave us a handmade quilt to auction off to help the campaign! I’m so honored that Missourians take time to come and hear from me, but more so, that they share their stories. Getting to hear from folks about their hopes and fears for the future, and what they want from a government that should work better means so much to me. 

What can union members do to help your campaign?

We need to spread the word to voters as early as possible before Election Day, so we have volunteer opportunities happening right now. There are opportunities to canvas, phone bank,  or host a house party. We’re also trying to build our coalition through donations, which can help us reach more voters via television, radio, direct mail, and other print across our state.  Visit for more info on how to volunteer or donate.